KFC - A New Look

Brand Campaign

A global restaurant is serving a world-ready look. 

Together with KFC we developed a brand aesthetic that transcends borders and competes with other global brands. From mouthwatering tabletop spreads to finger-licking pack shots – we loved spicing up KFC’s new international presence.

KFC is a fast-food legend renowned for its irresistible fried chicken, crafted with a distinctive blend of herbs and spices. How do we introduce the international community to their incredible flavors?  We embarked on a busy two-week-long shoot, resulting in a brand movie and a dynamic campaign featuring a young talented cast and the one and only Lee Towers as the new voice of the colonel.

Our journey with KFC resonates as a flavorful testament to collaboration and evolution. Taking on a big move for a big brand provides big opportunities for exploration, introducing novel approaches to telling well established stories to brand new audiences. 

